Volkspark Friedrichshain / 30 Jahre Mauer

TV Documentary

It’s secret is it’s history. The park’s, the city’s and above all the people who have passed through it over the last 170 years. The Volkspark Friedrichshain – a park for the people, named after the royal ruler. In the beginning it was intended to be a recreational park for the common people, so that the workforce could be recharged, but in 1848 the people immediately buried their dead from the barricade fights here. However, when more than a hundred years later, under the dictatorship of the proletariat, it was time to pay homage to the revolutionary fighters, the people unpacked the picnic blankets. To this day it is possible to live out both one’s political and apolitical side. And so the park always remains a piece of freedom in the narrowness of the city.
But who of the many strollers today knows what is under the green? Is it a mountain, a “green bump” or a huge bunker that could not be blown up? As part of the filming, we get exclusive access to the gigantic cavities under the park. Above it, the rubble of war: the debris of several city districts gave the summit its name: „MontKlamott”.

Production: Studio Mitte for RBB
Format: HD, 45 min
Directors: Torsten Striegnitz and Simone Dobmeier
DOP: Axel Schneppat and Ralf K. Dobrik
Sound: Daniel Piechotka
Sound Design: Sven Serfling
Music: Rainer Kirchmann
Narrator: David Nathan