Ravensbrück Memorial

In the wake of the SS

With “Im Gefolge der SS”, female perpetrators become the subject of a permanent exhibition for the first time. In more than 30 audio and video stations as well as the interactive in-depth stations, the exhibition deals with the position of SS supervisors in concentration camps, their recruitment and training, their areas of service, individual scope of action, careers and crimes. Topics include legal reappraisal in the four occupation zones, the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR, the integration of former female SS wardens into the two German post-war socie-ties, the history of reception, and the reappraisal or repression in the families of former SS fe-male wardens.

Client: Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten
Service: production of 16 audio stations, 10 video stations, 11 interactive computer terminals: concept and direction, film interviews with contemporary witnesses, editing, voice recordings, mixing, English adaptation, graphics and programming of interactive applications, planning of media technology